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Monday, February 15, 2010


I find myself always seeking a peaceful, positive state of mind. I have been unhappy about some things lately and today I seemed to have an epiphany of sorts. "IF NOT NOW, WHEN" is what was whispered to me. So I have my new mantra. I have lived all day with it, repeating it to myself from time to time and it feels good. I am going to be brave here and think about sharing my blog in other journeys of my life, not art related. I might be awkward at this, share to much, or not enough...this is a new path and I am not sure of it... But that is how I do things; I jump in and might regret it

For now, this feels right. I have a new blog; I am getting some of my followers back, and hope to find new friends too. I want to enjoy my blog and do lots of visiting as well. This is step one.... lets see where this takes me.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you find what you're looking for... I've had so many blogs that I ended up abandoning because of hesitation and just plain old fear. I'm hoping to stick with this one and hope your new one brings you succor...
