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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"I love, love, love it when God speaks to me and I'm quiet enough to hear Him."

Above is a quote from my friend Jan, my lovely, sweet, funny, huge hearted friend Jan...I love you so...
You can find Jan here, at the Polka Dot Barn, and see what she and her daughter are up to.  I was so touched when I read this blog post, I knew immediately, I had to jump right in.  I will be making some tags and cards, of well as getting some supplies together, so they can make their own art pieces....I can just feel the joy, of that!!!
I am asking you, if you fell blessed by this to do what you can, just 1 simple tag or card...anything you feel you would like to take part of this random act of kindness.  

I am so happy, to be learning to be still and listen, and to be open to simple whispers, that really touch my soul.  I am still learning...but so grateful for the lesson.


  1. Isn't there just such a "joy" that comes over you when you've listened and you've heard??? Those with hearts as big as your's my friend are totally receptive to helping others. xo

  2. Hi again Kathy, I'm back and I'm one of your new followers. Have a wonderful day. Warmly, Linda
